Autocad 2015 Mac Toolbar Icon Guide
Sometimes people have trouble displaying a toolbar that isn’t visible, or a toolbar seems to disappear for no apparent reason. Here are some tips for displaying toolbars. 1st method The easiest way to display a toolbar is to right-click any visible toolbar. This displays the list of all your toolbars, as you see here on the right. Just pick the one you want to make it visible.
However, certain custom toolbars, and the Express Toolbars aren’t listed. To find them, right-click any blank (gray) area next to a toolbar. Click ACAD to find the same toolbars you’d get by right-clicking a displayed toolbar. 2nd method If you know the name of the toolbar, another option is to use the command line form of the TOOLBAR command, by typing -toolbar. At the resulting prompt, enter the name of the toolbar. Then, at the Enter an option: prompt, press Enter to show the default option, which is Show. Here’s what it looks like: Command: -toolbar Enter toolbar name or ALL: dimension Enter an option Show/Hide/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Float.
3rd method An alternative is to choose View Toolbars. Starting with AutoCAD 2006, this opens the Customize User Interface (CUI) dialog box. As you can see, the On By Default value is Hide. Click to reveal a drop-down arrow, and choose Show to display that toolbar by default.
4th method An excellent way to control the display of toolbars is with workspaces. You can create a workspace that displays any set of menus, toolbars, and palettes (called dockable windows in the CUI dialog box).
You can do this in 2 ways. Display the toolbars that you want.
In the Workspaces toolbar, choose Save Current As from the drop-down list. Enter a name and choose Save.
Now, you can choose that workspace any time you want it from the Workspace toolbar (assuming you can find the Workspace toolbar!). You can also create a workspace in the CUI dialog box. Right-click the Workspaces node and choose New Workspace. Then type the name of the workspace. Click the Customize Workspace button.
What this does is add a checkbox next to all the items on the left. Then you check what you want and uncheck what you don’t want. For each item, you can specify its properties, such as Docked or Floating. Finally, click Done. Finding lost toolbars Toolbars can sometimes get “lost” due to a change in screen resolution. If you recently changed the resolution of your screen, try a higher resolution, which will show more items at the edge.
You can protect toolbars from moving by locking their position. Right-click any toolbar and choose Lock Location. Then choose Floating Toolbars to lock those that aren’t docked, Docked Toolbars, or All. Get “Top Customization Tips Every AutoCAD User Should Know” to learn ways to be more productive and become a master at customizing AutoCAD! We use some ancient software called Mechanical Desktop 2004, note the sarcasm, lol! Anyway, our one employee boots up AutoCAD this morning the Express menu is gone, so we type in “EXPRESSTOOLS” at the command prompt and it brings it back, but once he leaves AutoCAD and boots up again, it’s gone every time.
Ford mustang repair guide. It’s not an option when you type in “MENULOAD”, but is there after typing “EXPRESSTOOLS” at the command prompt. When you go to search for a file in menuload, it’s looking for and “mnc” file which I cannot find. Thanks PS – We have ACAD 2013 on order 🙂. Beste Ellen, Na heel wat projecten heb ik van een goeie ex-collega Johan tijdens het tekenen van lucht-kanalen destijds met nordined tijdens lastige hoeken van de bouwkundige onderlegger een handige commando waarbij je die intypt en op de desbetreffende Bouwkundige Lijn je assenkruis stelsel de hoek overneemt en zo handig je kanalen of leidingen kan neerzetten.Se vraag is dan, komt het jou bekend voor,weet je toevallig hoe je die commando binnen de autocad-2011/2013 kan activeren.
Vriendelijk bedankt, Groeten uit Arnhem From Google Translate: After a lot of projects I have a good ex-colleague Johan while drawing air channels then with Nordined during awkward corners of the building pad handy command that you who typed and the corresponding Building Line your axes system the angle takes over and so convenient your channels or ducts may neerzetten.Se question is, is it known to you, you happen to know how you can activate commands within the autocad-2011/2013. For a toolbar that has slipped off the screen, you can manually adjust the toolbar location by doing the following (this should work for all ACAD versions utilizing the CUI): 1.) At the AutoCAD command line type “CUI”. This opens the “Custom User Interface” dialog. 2.) Select your current workspace on the tree in “Customization in All Files” window, located in the upper left corner of the customize tab. 3.) In the “Workspace Contents” Window (upper right), expand the “Toolbars” branch. 4.) Find the lost toolbar name on the list, select it and edit the “Default X Location” and/or “Default Y Location” in “Properites” window (lower right).
You may need to set the “Orientation” value for the toolbar to “Floating” before you can edit the coordinate fields. 5.) Select the “Apply” button at the bottom of the dialog to invoke the new toolbar location. Continue adjusting the coordinates and applying until the toolbar is back on screen. Once the toolbar shows on screen, close the CUI dialog and move the toolbar back to it’s happy home. I hope this helps. Every time I logoff or turn off my computer, the next time I open AutoCAD LT 2015, the RIBBON and ALL the panel are lost – cannot get it to display. I go to the quick access toolbar and click on “more commands”, I got the AutoCAD LT Message that reads: “Unable to open customization file: C: Users appdata roaming autodesk autocad lt 2015 r21 enu support acadlt.cuix; This file has been moved, renamed, or deleted.
To find and reload this file, type CUILOAD at the Command prompt.” I type CUILOAD at the command prompt, the “Load/Unload Customizations” dialog box shows up and I go to the file location shown above – the file “acadlt.cuix” is still there. What’s going on? I keep reinstalling the file, but every I turn off the computer, the same thing happens. Kindly Suggest the soultion.
I have just installed 2019 Civil 3D, I use 2 monitors (main screen for map view and side screen for floating toolbars and windows), and after several hours of resetting my workspaces I am having a couple of recurring issues. Every time I update my Quick Access Toolbar, my ‘joined’ Floating toolbars change orientation (i.e. Landscape to portrait) AND they change positions when toggled back to landscape and YES the individual toolbars are LOCKED.
Mac Toolbar Disappeared
If I undock the ribbon (which I prefer to have on my side screen to give more space for map view), my locked toolbars completely disappear (but windows remain)!! Please let me know what I’m missing to keep my floating toolbars set the way I’ve set them. Many thanks!!
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