Gilera Runner 125 Workshop Manual
Th e d es cr ip t io n s an d il lu st ra t io n s g iv en in t h is p u b li ca t io n ar e n ot b in d in g. Wh il e t he b as ic sp ec if ic at io n s as described and illust rat ed in th is manu al rem ain uncha nged, P IAG GI O- GI LE R A reserv es the righ t, at any time and without being required to update this publication beforehand, to make any changes to components, parts or accessories, which it considers necessary to improve the product or which are required for manufact uring or c onstruct ion reas ons. Not all versions/models shown in this publication are available in all countries. The availability of single versions should be checked at the official Piaggio sales network.
'©Copyr ight 20 08 - P IA GG IO & C. P ont eder a. All righ ts reserv ed. R eprod uct ion of th is publicat ion in whole or in part is prohibited.' P IAGGI O & C.
Aft er -Sales V.le Rinaldo Piaggio, 23 - 56025 PONTEDERA (Pi). Th is s er v ic e st at io n m an u al h as b ee n d r aw n u p b y Piag g io & C. Spa t o b e u se d b y t h e w or k sh op s of Piaggio-Gilera dealers.
Gilera Runner 125
It is assumed that the user of this manual for maintaining and repairing Piaggio vehicles has a basic knowledge of mechanical principles and vehicle repair technique procedures. Any significant changes to vehicle characteristics or to specific repair operations will be communicated by updat es to this manu al. Nevertheless, no moun ting work can be s atisfactory if th e neces sary equipment and tools are unavailable. I t is therefore advisable to read th e sec tions of this manu al concerning s pecial tools, along with the special tool catalogue.