Westinghouse Gas Turbine Maintenance Manual
Developed jointly by FIAT Avio Power Systems also known as FAPS (now EthosEnergy) and Westinghouse Electric, the W501D - Westinghouse name for TG50D5 - is a huge single-shaft unit that operates at 3600 rpm to generate 60Hz power and drive a two-pole generator. The continuous over-the-years evolution of the engine led to important improvements in terms of ratings to around 110MW. Thermal efficiency is 31% in simple cycle single-shaft use; it can be brought up to 45% in combined cycle gas/steam turbine systems. The W501D is equipped with an electronic control adjustment system designed and developed by FAPS to provide the maximum in automation, reliability, and operational safety. Special attention is given to design and development of cooling systems for the hot-section components, both during transient conditions and normal operation.
Moreover, combustion system upgrades to Dry Low NOx technologies are available to reduce pollutant emissions. EthosEnergy is able to provide customers with complete product and service solutions for their Westinghouse W501D gas turbine.
Lm 6000 Gas Turbine Maintenance Manual
When you need service for your W501D gas turbine, call EthosEnergy and benefit from our OEM know-how!