Office 2007 Essentials Lab Manual
BCIS 1305 Lab Assignments The laboratory manual ( Microsoft Office 2010 OR Microsoft Office 2007) is comprehensive and designed for a complete lab course. The lab manual covers a scope beyond this course’s requirements. However, this is not a disadvantage. Smaller texts are not necessarily less expensive and do not offer the scope and flexibility of this text. You will be required to complete eight (8) sections from the 3 Excel sections, 3 Access sections, and the 2 PowerPoint sections.
Save each document. It is NOT necessary to print, even when the lab manual instructs to print. As each complete section is finished (which will usually include several documents), you will submit the documents through the Assignments link in Blackboard. Do not submit in the Drop Box link. A section usually covers 10-20 pages in the lab manual. Each section involves step-by-step instructions on completing the documents. The assignments at the end of each section are not required.
When an assignment requires a pre-existing document, those documents are available on the CD, which was packaged with the text. If your CD is missing or damaged, a link to those files can be found in Blackboard under the External Links menu button. You may submit the assignments in any order. Additionally, no points will be deducted until 5 days after the due date for each lab assignment.
Microsoft Office 2007 Essentials
The labs can be completed early, and it is suggested that you submit as many labs as possible as soon as possible. In other words, you could gain 200 of the 1000 points almost immediately. As further explanation, if you selected Excel section 1, you would complete the step-by-step instructions on Excel pages 4-28 (Office 2010 manual) or Excel pages 2-25 (Office 2007 manual). This would result in two final documents, which you would submit in the Assignments link in Blackboard for Lab 1.
Microsoft Office 2007 Essentials Book
More detailed descriptions of sections and page numbers are included for each lab under the Assignments link in Blackboard, Since most of the group projects involve Excel and PowerPoint, it is suggested that you might want to start with these sections. Extra Tips When working on the Access sections, be sure to COPY the files to your computer before opening them. After copying, you will then open, make changes, and save the copied files.
If some of the graphics are not available to you in any of the applications, then make an appropriate substitution and include a comment of the changes when you submit the assignment.