Nes Prep Study Guide

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Studying for the NES (National Evaluation Series) teacher certification tests? NES Prep interactive study guides will help you:.

Preview the teacher certification test experience with sample questions and NES test background, including the kinds of material covered on each test. Understand your strengths and areas for improvement, with diagnostic tests, targeted recommendations and explanations of correct responses. Explore test subject areas, with instructional content and exercises (available in ) and end-of-chapter review questions.

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Discover additional, subject-specific resources for further preparation. From the experts at Pearson.

Includes NES Practice Test Questions How to Pass the National Evaluation Series Certification Test, using our easy step-by-step NES Exam study guide, without weeks and months of endless studying. Dear Friend, On a beautiful late spring afternoon, this past year, a young woman received some devastating news. She had just gotten back her NES exam result. It was not what she had hoped for. In fact, it was not even close to her expectations despite her past experience and educational background. She had failed.

Then she remembered her friends and felt even worse. She did not look forward to having to tell them her embarrassing news, especially after she had boasted that it was no big deal. She had been procrastinating about taking the exam because she hated standardized tests, and this only confirmed her hatred. 'What will I do now?' She thought with dismay, slowly realizing the harsh reality of her predicament and its upsetting implications on her future. How to Solve the Problem Unfortunately, this hypothetical situation occurs all the time. Someone thought they were going to breeze through the examination, told all their friends, made plans for their future, and then got an embarrassing reality check from the NES exam.

The National Evaluation Series Certification Test is quite simply an objective assessment of a test taker's requisite foundation of knowledge and skills. NES exam scores are used by the National Evaluation Systems (NES) as a uniform standard of qualification. While it may not be fair, all of a person's plans for the future may be dependent upon needing a certain NES exam score. That is the whole purpose of our NES Certification Test Secrets study guide: to give test takers the keys to understand how to succeed on the NES exam. Our Study Guide for the NES Exam Is Unlike Any Other If you'd like to get the NES exam score you deserve, to quit worrying about whether your NES exam score is 'good enough,' and to beat the test taking game, then this might be the most important message you read this year.

Our comprehensive NES exam study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept you need to know to pass your NES exam. Our original research into the National Evaluation Series Certification Test, offered by the National Evaluation Systems (NES), reveals specific content areas and skills that are critical for you to know on the NES exam. We've taken that information and developed a study guide that is guaranteed to help you be successful on the NES exam. Now, we know you may be skeptical, so let us give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim: Three Reasons You Can Rely On NES Certification Test Secrets #1) Our name is Mometrix Test Preparation, and we have an entire team of researchers who do nothing but study and 'reverse engineer' standardized tests like the NES. We maintain very strict hiring standards for this team of researchers, and very few applicants for the rare open position come close to qualifying, as we set a very high bar for quality when it comes to our study guides and other materials.

You can rely on their combined decades of experience in cracking the code for difficult standardized tests such as the NES to get that all important passing score. #2) Most people simply aren't very good at preparing for tests; in fact, many badly overestimate how prepared they are for a major exam, even highly intelligent people. This has been proven in several academic studies, but it's not the fault of the students. It's the result of relying on ineffective and outdated study methods.


But our experts here at Mometrix decided there had to be much better ways of preparing for exams. We just had to discover them. We're convinced that we've done just that; we've found the secrets to beating these exams. We were surprised at what we found; some of the keys to getting a high score were unbelievably simple to implement once test takers found out about them.

We've put all the results of our research together in a compact, yet thorough, study guide that will allow anyone, no matter their present skill level, to see dramatically improved results with very little effort. #3) Part of our motivation in creating NES Certification Test Secrets was our frustration at the lack of quality test prep tools for the NES. Future teachers looking for help with the NES really had no good options.

Most of what was available made the same fundamental error: it tried to teach the subject matter, instead of focusing on teaching the test. This doesn't work, because most of the people who will take the NES already have a pretty good grasp of what they need to know about teaching; it's the nature of the test that trips them up. Test takers who do well on the NES do so because they understand the link between their knowledge of their subject, and how to use that knowledge in the context of the NES format. That's what makes NES Certification Test Secrets so powerful. We show you how to take the material you already know, and successfully apply it to the actual NES test format. You'll save money, time, and headaches.

Study Guide Template

You'll know how to avoid the weak test prep strategies and common mistakes that others are making, and discover what you need to know to achieve success on the NES. Here are just a few of the ways NES Certification Test Secrets can help you. Our Powerful NES Test Taking Strategies. How to overcome one of your biggest obstacles - NES time limits. You'll learn how to dodge hidden 'time traps', putting you far ahead of the average, uninformed test taker. Super-fast techniques of breezing through the many easy questions, so you can spend more of your valuable time on the harder ones, without ever being in a hurry.

If you have any problems or questions, please send an email to and we will be sure to get it working for you. If you would like to order through the mail,. By Jay Willis This Page Last Updated: All content on this website is Copyright © 2018 Mometrix Test Preparation 3827 Phelan #179, Beaumont, TX 77707 Disclaimer: Mometrix Test Preparation is not affiliated with or endorsed by any official testing organization. All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners.