Ivent 101 Ventilator Manual

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DESCRIPTION A portable ventilator designed to provide effective care for a wide range of patients Offering clinical performance in a lightweight and user-friendly package, the iVent 101 portable ventilator is designed to provide effective care for a wide range of patients. With its quiet, high performance pneumatics, touch screen color interface, on-board graphics, small footprint and long internal battery life, the iVent 101 is well suited to a variety of clinical needs. Use the iVent 101 with infants.

  1. Versamed Ivent 101 User Manual
Versamed ivent 101 user manual

through adults, in invasive or non-invasive applications, and in both basic and advanced modes. Designed for specific patient needs.

To deliver just the functionality needed, the iVent 101 is available in four models: Performance, Signature, Expert and Discovery. The iVent 101 Signature model provides comprehensive pressure support therapy, with adjustments available for rise-time and flow termination, in addition to standard volume and pressure control/assist control modes and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) FORUMS. FEATURES Assist control (A/C).


Versamed Ivent 101 User Manual

Volume controlled ventilation (VCV). Pressure controlled ventilation (PCV) Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV). Volume controlled ventilation (VCV). Pressure controlled ventilation (PCV). Continuous positive airway pressure/Pressure support ventilation (CPAP/PSV). Adaptive Bi-Level™ (invasive or non-invasive) Additional Features.

Preset parameters by patient type. Adaptive Peak Flow™ with Adaptive I-Time™ Easy Exhale™. Apnea backup ventilation SPECIFICATIONS Height 7.5 in Length 10 in Weight 13.4 lbs Width 10 in.

Description Adaptable, full-featured ventilation for every application The GE iVent 101 is a versatile respiratory ventilator suited for use in a variety of clinical environments. The customizable features of the iVent 101 allow it to be used in situations requiring invasive or non-invasive ventilation in basic or advanced modes. With quiet, high-performance pneumatics and an auto-dimming display panel, the iVent101 is unobtrusive to the patient, allowing them to rest and recover in comfort. Operator adjustable alarms ensure safety in each unique patient care environment. Standard volume and pressure control with assist modes and SIMV.

Comes standard with CPAP / PSV capabilities. Comprehensive pressure support therapy adjusts for rise-time and flow termination. Preset parameters by patient type for quick and easy setup. User adjustable alarms for respiratory rate, pressure, apnea time, FIO₂ and patient disconnect. Configurations include standard circuit with single or double limb. Display panel features 3 screen views: clinical, daytime, nighttime. Adaptive Bi-Level™ for invasive or non-invasive modes.

Auto-dimming display panel. Apnea backup ventilation.