Guide To Managerial Communication 10th Edition

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Munter Guide To Managerial Communication Pdf

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Guide To Managerial Communication 10th Edition

If you have any questions related to the pricing and/or discount offered in a particular listing, please contact the seller for that listing. Synopsis. Clear, concise, and practical guide to managerial communication for today's professional.

Managerial Communication Skills

Guide to managerial communication 10th edition

This newly revised tenth edition is more practical and useful for today's professional than ever before with expanded coverage in the following areas: Designing and using PowerPoint, Writing faster and more persuasively, Communicating in different cultures, Enhancing your presentation style, Using 'high skim value' to ensure your writing is understood, Relaxing and gaining confidence for public speaking, Using the internet-enabled channels of communication-such as email, IM, TM, blogs, podcasts, and webconferences Book jacket. Directed primarily toward undergraduate or graduate business or communications students, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals.A brief, professional, reader-friendly guide to improving managerial communication. 'Guide to Managerial Communication' is a clear, concise, practical text for cultivating effective written and oral communication in a managerial, business, government, or professional context.